RSW TR A.Ş. Introduces ARSİWİ New Generation Commercial Platform

RSW TR A.Ş. Introduces ARSİWİ New Generation Commercial Platform

Anush Sargsyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of RSW TR A.Ş., met with the SANKON INDUSTRY AND TRADE CONFEDERATION delegation and Metin Genç, Chairman of the Akvil Foundation, to promote the new generation trade platform called ARSİWİ.

The meeting took place at the RSW TR A.Ş. headquarters and highlighted the innovations ARSİWİ brings to the world of trade, as well as the platform’s leading position in the industry. In his statement, Anush Sargsyan gave detailed information about the advantages ARSİWİ offers to businesses and stated that the platform will shed light on the future of digital trade.

The delegation of SANKON INDUSTRY AND TRADE CONFEDERATION evaluated the added value that ARSİWİ will bring to the sector and its impact on the digital transformation of trade. The president of the confederation stated that the innovation provided by ARSİWİ to the sector will allow businesses to play a more effective role in national and international trade by increasing their competitiveness.

Metin Genç, President of Akvil Foundation, emphasized that this important step taken by ARSİWİ in the integration of technology and trade is also inspiring for young entrepreneurs and start-ups. The meeting was organized to evaluate the potential of innovative solutions on ARSİWİ’s commercial platform to contribute to the business world.

Participants expect ARSİWİ to consolidate its place in the world of commerce and lead the digital transformation process of businesses.

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